Racing Service
Racing Parts
3D Printing
Training course
Frame and electronic setup & riding analysis
Design & fabrication of racing parts
Data acquisition, frame & electronic settings
Design and manufacturing of 3D printed parts
2023 en images
Thanks to JEG RACING, MICHELIN MOTORSPORT & DAFFIX RACING, Guillaume RAYMOND, ZUFF RACING et Sébastien FRAGA for their confidence this year !
MD RaceLab was created by Dorian MIEUSSET in 2018, but has been present in competition for a long time ...
2014: as part of my Mechanical Engineering DUT I work for the MG Competition of Martial GARCIA for design projects of parts intended for motorcycle competition. I was also a technician in FSPP.
2017: I join IFMA, a mechanical engineering school in apprenticeship with MICHELIN. I learn electronic engine management and the design of internal combustion engines.
2018: I join 'L'école de la performance", one of the best school in Europe to train engineers in mechanical sports. I worked with DAFFIX RACING and MICHELIN MOTORSPORT being in charge of Erwan NIGON and Guillaume ANTIGA in FSBK. I'm a performance analyst at MICHELIN MOTORSPORT throughout the year. I integrate the ZUFF RACING in EWC. 2D by Sigmalis becomes the partner of MD RaceLab.
2019: I am in charge of Guillaume RAYMOND in FSSP, Sébastien FRAGA in FSBK, ZUFF RACING in EWC and Swiss championship. I participate in the 8h Sepang with the JEG RACING following the stop of the ZUFF RACING in EWC.
2020: I train the motorcycle technicians of the PERFORMANCE SCHOOL in data acquisition and operation. I work for the FT RACING TEAM, which is neither more nor less the pole hope of young French people. The objective is to take young people to the world championship. 4 young people will evolve this year in FSPP300 to progress and make themselves known.
The rest of the programs will be announced before the start of the season.